
When visiting Nottingham Castle, prepare for a journey through centuries of history, culture, and breathtaking views. The castle stands proudly atop Castle Rock, offering a commanding panorama of the city below. Once inside, the sprawling grounds invite exploration, with lush gardens and winding paths that lead to various historical exhibitions and attractions.

Delve into Nottingham’s rich past within the castle walls. Engage with interactive displays showcasing the city’s legends, from the iconic Robin Hood to the industrial revolution. Trace the castle’s evolution, from a medieval fortress to a lavish Ducal mansion, each era leaving its mark on the architecture and stories held within.

The galleries hold treasures ranging from fine art to archaeological finds, including the Nottingham Lace collection, a testament to the city’s lace-making legacy. Ascend to the castle’s heights for awe-inspiring vistas, where you’ll witness the convergence of history and modernity against Nottingham’s skyline.

Opening Times
Every day 11:00 - 16:00 (last entry is 15:00)

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