We are here to help

You will find commonly asked questions here.

If you don’t find what you are after, Please send us an email.

What is Great Scenic Journeys?

Great Scenic Journeys was founded by a team of individuals who were inspired by their work with First Group's bus business in Devon & Cornwall, where they supported the creation of the 'Adventures by Bus' brand. This is a collection of scenic routes with a unique brand for each route, great customer experience and unforgettable views. We recognised the beauty and value of scenic transport journeys across the UK, Ireland, and beyond, and set out to showcase them through Great Scenic Journeys. Our team are passionate about public transport and believe that the potential of some of the routes that are already running have huge potential to provide opportunities for exploration and to create great experiences for folk, unlocking social mobility, whilst reducing carbon footprint.

How much does it cost to travel and how can I buy a ticket?

The cost of buying a ticket and the way you can buy a ticket may vary for each journey. There are some journeys where you can purchase your ticket in advance and others simply by using 'tap on and tap off' on the buses. We have provided information about how to buy your tickets on each journey page.

What are the duration of the journeys?

Our website has a wide range of journeys with different durations - so there is something for everyone. As some of our scenic journeys go through busy towns or through villages and via country roads, this can extend journey times - many trips don't go 'as the crow flies' and therefore take a bit longer, but this will be built into the timetable and makes the experience more fun, scenic and unforgettable! The duration of each journey is detailed on the journey pages and you can search by duration journey.

What discounts are avaliable for travel?

There are no specific discounts via Great Scenic Journeys for customer, however, each transport company may have discounts available and we will look to showcase any special offer that they may have on this website and through our social media channels. There is a link to ticket information on journey pages for you to learn more.

How accessible are the routes?

We have a wide range of operators at Great Scenic Journeys and the accessibility of each journey may vary. We provide the website and name of each operator on our journey page so you can find out more about the accessibility of each journey to make arrangements. Transport companies, as a priority, seek to make their services accessible to all and have detailed plans and actions to achieve this.

Where do I provide feedback about my journey?

At Great Scenic Journeys we do not operate services, so if you have feedback, including a complaint that you need resolving, we suggest you get in touch with the operator of that journey. However, we are keen to ensure that we receive regular feedback from customers travelling on our routes, so would be interested in hearing your feedback - please get in touch with both positive and negative feedback!

Is there a loyalty programme available for frequent customers?

There is no loyalty programme currently in place for Great Scenic Journeys however this is something we hope to introduce soon.